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Trauma/Tension Releasing Exercises workshop (all levels)
Developed by Dr David Berceli, TRE® is a self-help technique that deliberately activates our bodies’ instinctive shaking/tremor mechanism in a safe and controlled way. Session by session, these tremors help to release the build up of muscular tension patterns that have been stored in the body during stressful and traumatic life experiences.
Slight trembling occurs naturally in life when our nervous system is over-activated. In a crisis nearly everyone has experienced trembling (also during high excitement of the positive sort) but the phenomenon has been misunderstood in the medical world and people have come to associate it with weakness. Yet, in many cultures and historically, shaking is known to be a healthy recovery mechanism.
Trembling fulfils an important function in our bodies – it is our organism’s natural way of restoringcalm and balance to our central nervous system (homoestasis).
What happens in a TRE® session?
The TRE®exercises are designed to activate muscle groups from the ankle upward to the centre of gravity of the body, which is protected by the psoas muscles. When shaking is evoked in these powerful core muscles, it slowly but surely pulsates throughout the entire body travelling along the spine, releasing deep chronic tension.
When tension is released anywhere in the body, the brain registers a reduction in stress signals and lowers the output of stress hormones.
Regular TRE practice helps with:
quality of sleep and normalize sleeping patterns
stress related headaches and migraine
general anxiety
anger issues (reactiveness)
chronic pain, especially back and neck pain
pain and stiffness related to operations and old injuries
the tendency to ‘space out’ or ‘go blank’ under stress
avoidance habits (such as being fearful of certain activities or places due to negative past experiences)
unhealthy habits of self-soothing and self-medication (such as emotional eating, using drugs or alcohol etc.)
Why TRE®?
In more than 30 countries, TRE® is being taught and practiced successfully for recovery from chronic stress symptoms related to trauma. It is a physical way of releasing tension and does not require you to talk about your experiences. The body ‘knows’ what to do and how to do it – this mechanism is a natural form of stress release. However, stress and trauma therapy that does involve talking and sharing will also benefit from the physical release. Afterwards, you are much calmer, will sleep better and have a more robust emotional capacity. Long term, TRE® is proven to strengthen physical and emotional resilience.
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